Warning: Spoilers everywhere! Season 6 episode 10: The Winds of Winter Confessions of a Mad Queen With the Night King and his army destroyed, it's time to turn our attentions back to King's Landing and focus on our girl Cersei Lannister, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die," said Cersei back in season 1 and here we are almost at the end of our story, and she is sitting her beautifully couture-d self on the Iron Throne. Cersei's revenge list too long to recount, but let's just remember Cersei watching from her tower as the Great Sept of Baelor explodes with wildfire, taking out most of her enemies. She smiles. She takes a sip of that wine. Delicious. Hold my wine, Night King, now that is cold.
This week we honor the Queen with something sweeter and more delicious than you'd expect - a Red Wine Sorbet sweetened with raspberries. Because for Cersei Lannister, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, revenge is very sweet, ice cold, and tastes like wine.
May 2019